About Myself....
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First off all I'll start saying who I am and my basical details:
My name is Uriel, I was born in 26/6/1986 and now I'm getting to the age of 15 years old.
I'm a guy who likes a lot of things as you can see it in this page.
Well,about my personality...what can I say?...I like drawing very much,specially designing cars and houses,when I'll grow up I want to work in some that has drawing or computer designing,or both of them combinated.I love cars!!!Porsche is my favourite mark as well as BMW.Computers?I love them,actually I practicaly spend all my time in my computer,chatting,searching for something on the web,or just playing a game.
My principal hobby it's a sport,horse-riding,I really really like this sport 'cause it's very breathing and 'cause I love horses very much.
I have my own horse since 2 years;I participated in a lot of Compettitions.Last year I won the National Championship of Jumping;but then,in this year my horse fell into a very dangerous virus,but thanks god now the horse it's recuperating from that horrible situation.
I like surf and skate very much too.
OK,that's what I like doing.

This site was created first of all 'cause I wanted that,I have been doing a lot of sites here but no one was very good to publicate it like this one,I don't say that this site is very good but is good than the others that I made.
I did this page specially to my family,then to my friends.I hope some day I'll put a chat or something funny to do.
I had the idea to do this page 'cause I want that people that knows me can learn about me likes,'cause I puted a lot of info of me.
Well,I made the page,you enjoy it.

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